Year 4

Welcome to Year 4 powerpoint 2024-2025

Please follow the link below to find the welcome to year 4 powerpoint.

Year 4 Multiplication Check

Please follow the link below to find the year 4 multiplication check information powerpoint

Standon Bowers 2025

Please click on the link below to find the Standon Bowers information powerpoint.

Please click on the link below to find the Standon Bowers payment letter.

Please click the link below to find the Standon Bowers souvenir list.

Long Term Overview

Please find below the Long Term Overview of the Curriculum for Year 4.

PE and Swimming Information


Year 4's PE day is Wednesday. Please wear your PE kit all day and remove earrings before school.



Year 4's swimming day is Thursday.  Please wear your school uniform, bring your swimming kit including a swimming hat into school and remove earrings before school.

Spellings and Homework

Please find below this week's spellings

Additionally, please practise your common exception words.

You will also find the weekly spellings on Spelling Shed.


Week commencing- 24.03.25












Homework Set Menu

Spellings, daily reading and times table practise.

We will be looking for children to be reading at home with their parents. Listening to children read will enable them to grow in confidence as they become fluent readers. Once children are able to read fluently, and with expression, hold discussions around their comprehension of the texts. If your child is reluctant to read, they could listen to audio books. We want to foster a love of books, so please don’t underestimate the value of reading to your child.  We are all very grateful for your support.

Times tables can be practised on:




Contact us

If you have any questions or queries:

Please send messages via the Arbor app messaging service or speak to a member of staff on the door at the beginning or end of the school day.

Drop is session

Year 4's drop-in session is Thursday until 4pm.