About Us
Welcome to Year 3. We are made up of classes 6 and 7.
Class 6 is taught by Mrs Harvey and Mrs Porter.
Class 7 is taught by Mr Evans and Miss Cooper.
The below pdf show the to see the relevant information that we shared at our 'Welcome to' meeting in the summer as well as important information for the coming year.
Year 3 Transition welcome 2024
Homework Set Menu: Spellings, Reading and Times Tables
Spellings for Year 3 can be found assigned on SpellingShed. These will reinforce the spelling rules taught in the week.
Our spellings for the week beginning 24/02/25 are:
Times Tables
Can you please also access your set times tables on TTRockstars. By the aim of Year 3 we aspire for your child to know their 10s, 5s, 2s, 3s, 4s, 8s and 6s.
All passwords and links can be found in your child's home journal.
We will be looking for children to be reading at home with their parents. Listening to children read will enable them to grow in confidence as they become fluent readers. Once children are able to read fluently, and with expression, hold discussions around their comprehension of the texts, (we will provide a bank of ideas to support this).
We want them to foster a love of books, so please don’t underestimate the value of reading to your child. We are all very grateful for your support.
Please make a small note in your child's home journal when you read with them, even if it isn't their banded book.
Important Information
PE - Our PE day is Monday. Please wear your PE kit all day and remove earrings before school.
Swimming- Our swimming day is Tuesday. Please wear your school uniform, bring your swimming kit into school and remove earrings before school.
Forest school - Forest school will take place in Spring 2 term. More details to follow.
Drop is session- Our drop is session is every Wednesday from 3:30pm until 4pm.