Year 2

We are made up of Class 4 and Class 5


Please see our Welcome to Year 2 presentation below.


Year 2 Curriculum

Long Term Overview Year 2 2023 2024 Knypersley updated


PE is on Thursday for both classes. Please come to school in your PE kit.

Swimming is on Wednesday for both Class 4 and Class 5.
Please come to school in your normal school uniform, with your swimming kit in a bag.


Set Menu: Spellings, Daily Reading, Phonics Practice and Times Tables

We will be looking for children to be reading at home with their parents. Listening to children read will enable them to grow in confidence as they become fluent readers. Once children are able to read fluently, and with expression, hold discussions around their comprehension of the texts, (we will provide a bank of ideas to support this). If your child is reluctant to read, they could listen to audio books. We want them to foster a love of books, so please don’t underestimate the value of reading to your child.  We are all very grateful for your support.

Please also help your child to learn their 10 times tables. These can be practised on TT Rockstars. You can find your child's password in the back of their red home school links book.


The spellings for this week can be found on Spelling Shed

13th September 2024


Please see the letter about Forest School for Year 2