Lunch Menu


Please see the menu below for the next half term

Meals cost £2.95

Our lunches are provided by Edwards & Ward- please see below for their communication

February - July 2025

February-July 25

Healthy Eating

Nutrition & Healthy Eating — TeenLink Hawaii

Healthy Eating Support

Within school we teach children how to lead a healthy lifestyle. It is important that we teach children to make informed healthy choices from an early age. Please use the below information to promote healthy choices at home and in school for your child.


During Dinnertimes our staff will be encouraging children to try new foods and select a healthy option. Children will be rewards for making healthy choices through our weekly celebration assemblies and through our healthy choice stickers. We will be monitoring lunchboxes and making sure that children are being offered a balance diet. Please use the below links to find more information around healthy lunchboxes.

Lunchbox ideas and recipes – Healthier Families - NHS (

Balanced Diet Information

Please use the below links to support your child alongside our school lunch menu to make a healthy choice during dinnertime sessions.


If you would like anymore support around how to encourage a healthy lifestyle for your child please speak to your child's class teacher.

Nutrition & Healthy Eating — TeenLink Hawaii