
At Knypersley First School we are committed to meeting the needs of all pupils to ensure that they make the best possible progress. As all children progress at different rates, there may be times when a teacher feels a child may benefit from an intervention group which would be in addition to every day class teaching.  In some cases, this may be because we feel a child is not completely reaching their potential and may need to deepen their knowledge and skills or be given a little extra push to ‘catch up’ in a particular area.


Small Group Intervention

It may be appropriate for your child to receive small group support either inside or outside of the classroom setting. Your child will work with their class teacher, TA or occasionally another member of staff, a programme of work will have been planned for your child that will close any gaps or misunderstandings that have arisen in their learning.  Intervention will normally last for 6 weeks, we measure the children’s abilities at the beginning and the end of the intervention which shows us whether the intervention has had an impact on the child’s learning and from this we can decide what will be our next step.


Additional reading

Staff may feel that your child would benefit from additional reading opportunities and they may receive several extra opportunities to practise their reading skills, develop confidence or increase fluency or expression.


Formal intervention

School has purchased several formal intervention programmes that they may feel would benefit your child’s progress in a particular area of the curriculum. These programmes are produced by educational companies and are recommended and supported by clear evidence of improvement. At present these programmes centre around supporting skills such as  handwriting, number work, phonic and alphabet work and motor skills.


We aim to improve our communication with parents and carers and will inform you, by letter,  if we feel that your child will benefit from any of the above interventions. We will also contact you to celebrate the outcomes with you and your child.